Scholarship Application Process

We provide educational scholarships to the children of Maryland workers who have been catastrophically or fatally injured in work-related accidents.

our board
What is Kids’ Chance of Maryland, Inc.?
It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation developed by a diverse group of concerned volunteers associated with Maryland’s workers’ compensation community, including representatives of labor, employers, insurers, medical and vocational rehabilitation providers and claimant and defense attorneys. The purpose of Kids’ Chance is to provide financial scholarships for children of catastrophically or fatally injured workers to complete their college or technical school education.
How long does this scholarship last?
Generally, the scholarship is good for one semester. The applicant must reapply at the end of each semester for the scholarship to continue, upon showing continuing financial need and a good standing status in school.
Which children are eligible for the scholarships?
The Kids’ Chance of Maryland scholarship is intended to assist in obtaining a vocational or college undergraduate education for financially needy, qualified, worthy, and deserving students. The student cannot be older than 25 years of age. The student’s parent or guardian must have suffered a catastrophic or fatal accidental injury or occupational disease while working for a Maryland employer.
Who can Kids’ Chance help?
Kids’ Chance can help the 18-year-old Maryland student whose parent was seriously injured on the job, who now wishes to attend a vocational/ technical school to learn a trade.

Kids’ Chance can also help the 20-year-old Maryland college student who now has no funds to continue his or her education due to a parent’s catastrophic injury in a work-related accident.

What does the scholarship cover?

Scholarship awards vary and depend largely on the needs and educational expenses of the student. Scholarships cover tuition and books, but may also include housing and meals.


If you have application questions or concerns, please call Kids’ Chance of Maryland, Inc. at 410-832-4702.